Cool Use for Napkin Rings….as Drapery “Hold-Backs”

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Here’s a couple fun little tips to add some bling to your curtains or sheers.

I’m going to show you two ways to do it.

…..with napkin rings…..

Like so….
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

I love to use napkin rings like this….adds such a pretty and unexpected touch.
You can find some really great ones at places like Pier One or World Market.
Here is how I have this sheer wrapped up….

First I gathered it, bunched up, and wrapped the elastic hair band around it.
Crazy I know but they work well since they don’t “stick” like a rubber band would.

Then I pulled the napkin ring up from the bottom.
I took a safety pin and looped the ring and the elastic hair band to hold it in place…..
….and voila!
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings
You could skip the pin with thicker material because it would most likely stay
in place on it’s own.

That’s the back, by the way. No one will see that.
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

Isn’t that pretty?
A little bling for the sheer!
And you would never imagine all that going on behind there!

Here is another set…..and a different way to do it.
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

I just love all those colors!

I also pulled these right up the bottom of each sheer.
For these, I stuck a tiny straight pin into the trim and placed the napkin ring onto it to hold it in place.
The hole the straight pin makes is teeny, tiny but probably better to place it in one of the crevices in the molding, or where the trim meets the wall, to hide it better.
I just plopped it in not thinking! Ignore that!
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings
Just hook the napkin ring right over the pin. These sheers are ultra lightweight so this works well.
If you have something heavier you will need to do it the way I mentioned in the first set above.
Or you could just use a pretty decorative wall hook.
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

And on a different sheer….which I stuck the pin into the crevice where the wall and trim meet.
Cool Use for Napkin Rings-Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

So, just another way to hold or gather your curtains/sheers up.
Decorated with pretty, blingy, beaded napkin rings.
Since there are so many to choose from the design possibilities are endless.

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Cool Use for Napkin Rings as >>> Drapery "Hold-Backs" - #holdbacks #draperyholdbacks #napkinrings

I love using things for something other than it’s intended purpose! And do all the time.
How about you??

Stop back in later this week to see what I turned this into!

UPDATE!!! See it now, here!!

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  1. I love this adorable idea! Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent this week. Featured you tonight at Pick of the Bunch. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend.

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